Strategic tax planning

There are several ways businesses and individuals can legally reduce the amount of tax they pay, whilst still complying with ATO requirements. An effective Tax planning strategy focuses on three key areas, which are:

  1. reducing your income,
  2. increasing your deductions,
  3. using the lower tax rates.

We will use our experience, knowledge, and expertise to form the best tax strategies for your business

Tax Planning Strategies for Businesses
  • Accelerated depreciation
  • Defer investment income and Capital Gains
  • Maximise Deductions
  • Write off bad Debts
  • Maximise Deductible Super Contributions
  • Tools of Trade / FBT Exempt Items
  • Investment Property Depreciation
  • Small Business Concessions – Prepayments
  • Pay Employee Superannuation Now
  • Bring Forward Expenses
  • Private Company (Div 7A) Loans
  • Year-end Stock Take
Tax Planning Strategies for Individuals
  • Property Depreciation
  • Reviewing Ownership of Investments
  • Tax Deductible Super Contributions
  • Repayments
  • Motor Vehicle Log Book
  • Accelerated Depreciation
  • Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF)
  • Maximising Negative Gearings
  • Investment Income and Capital Gain

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or queries in regards to the tax planning.


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